Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech "summarized"


The Paragraph Sandwich

Delicious, isn't it?

so, what are the ingredients of a Big Mac? Or the “Paragraph Sandwich” ?

Top Bun (the topic sentence)

Vegetables - Cheese - burger (supporting sentences) 

Bottom Bun (the concluding sentence)

Would you like a cheeseburger without a top bun?

Would you like a cheeseburger  without a bottom bun?

Would you like a cheeseburger  without the filling itself?

of course not ..

Well, you don't want a paragraph without a topic sentence or a concluding sentence either!


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Topic Sentences and Controlling Ideas

Every topic sentence will have a topic and a controlling idea. The controlling idea shows the direction the paragraph will take.
Here are some examples:
  • Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world.  
  • The topic is “pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world” and the controlling idea is “many reasons.”

  • Topic Sentence: To be an effective CEO requires certain characteristics. 
  • The topic is “To be an effective CEO” and the controlling idea is certain characteristics. 

  • Topic Sentence: There are many possible contributing factors to global warming.
  • The topic is "global warming" and the controlling factor is "many possible contributing factors." 

  • Topic Sentence: Fortune hunters encounter many difficulties when exploring a shipwreck.  
  • The topic is “exploring a shipwreck” and the controlling idea is “many difficulties.”

  • Topic Sentence: Dogs make wonderful pets because they help you to live longer. 
  • The topic is "dogs make wonderful pets" and the controlling idea is "because they help you to live longer."

  • Topic Sentence: Crime in poverty-stricken areas occurs as a result of a systemic discrimination. 
  • The topic is "crime in poverty stricken areas" and the controlling idea is "systemic discrimination." 

  • Topic Sentence: Teen pregnancy may be prevented by improved education.
  • The topic is "teen pregnancy may be prevented" and the controlling idea is "improving education."

  • Topic Sentence: Cooking requires a number of different skills.
  • The topic is "cooking" and the controlling idea is "many different skills."

  • Topic Sentence: It is important to be ready before buying a house.
  • The topic is "before buying a house" and the controlling idea is the importance of being ready. 

  • Topic Sentence: Graduating from high school is important for many different reasons.
  • The topic is "graduating from high school" and the controlling idea is "many different reasons."

  • Topic Sentence: Having a first child is difficult because of the significant adjustments in your life. 
  • The topic is "having a first child" and the controlling idea is "significant adjustments in your life."

  • Topic Sentence: Remodeling a kitchen successfully requires research and a good eye. 
  • The topic is "remodeling a kitchen" and the controlling idea is "requires research and a good eye." 
As you can see, the topic sentence provides a focus for the reader or listener. It tells what the paragraph is about. The controlling idea helps the audience understand what you are saying.
Topic sentences can be about almost anything, as long as they set the tone for the paragraph and relate back to the thesis or the main idea of the paper.

Friday, October 5, 2012

November 2011 Mid-term exam

Name: ___________________________                             Group: ____     Section: ____

Faculty of Economics & Political Science

Cairo University

Readings in English

First Year – Arabic Section

Date: November 20th, 2011                                                Time: 1 Hour

First: Comprehension Passage                                          (4 marks)

          In 1940, the year Charles Edward Merrill founded the firm we now know as Merrill Lynch & Co., he was 54 years old and had already lived an extraordinarily productive and visible life. A poor boy from the backwaters of Florida, Merrill was forced to leave college by lack of funds, but he schemed his way to Wall Street and made himself wealthy by the time he was 31.

          He was the first investment banker to realize that chain stores would one day dominate retailing, and he got rich by underwriting (and often controlling) such future powerhouses as K Mart and Safeway Stores. He set up one of America's first wire houses — brokerage firms with branch offices in different cities connected to the main office by Teletype. 

Choose the correct answer:

1. Backwaters are:

a)     poor area                                                        c) rural areas

b)    places not influenced by new ideas                  d) places along bays


2. Underwriting means

a)     agreeing to                                                     c) protecting by insurance

b)     buying out                                                     d) joining with


3. Teletype was

a)     a computer printer                                          c) computer typewriting

b)    a typewriter that got its data over the telephone     d) the telegraph


4. Merrill was primarily

a)     an investment banker                                      c) a broker

b)     an underwriter                                               d) a partner

Second: Vocabulary                                                           (4 marks)

Choose the correct answer:

1.     The prices of houses and flats rose sharply last year.

a.     soured                         b. soared                           c. insulated


2.     They are keen to foster trading links with the West.

a.     inhibit                          b. initiate                          c. develop


3.     There wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim.

a.     a pillar                         b. a vestige                       c. an access


4.     Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth.

a.     Delay                          b. start                                c. encourage

Third: Terms                                                                     (6 marks)

Write the economic terms for the following definitions:

1.     a decrease in the exchange value of a currency against gold or other currencies:


2.     net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements:              _____________________

3.     a country or commercial enterprise to whom money is owed: ___________________

Write the exact words that stand for the following abbreviations ILO:_________________________________________________________________


Fourth: Grammar                                                              (8 marks)

A. Fill in using a suitable preposition:

1-     We‘re having a rest now, but _____ this evening we’re going to a concert, which begins _____ 8:30 PM.

2-    I’m so busy _____ Christmas that I have to prepare everything _____ advance.


B. Identify the subjects, complete verbs and prepositional phrases in the following sentences.

1-    In the playground were thirty-four screaming children.

2-    The papers in the wastebasket should be emptied into the trash can outside.

3-    The variety of shows available at the flick of a switch is practically limitless.

Fifth: Writing                                                                                  (6 marks)

Read the paragraph carefully and then identify its essential parts as follows:

           No matter how you slice it, there are only 24 hours in a day. To be successful at university, students need to learn good time-management skills. The first skill is not taking on more than you can handle. If you are a working part-time, have a family and are involved in a community organization, then taking a full course-load at university will be too much. Another time management skill is reasonably estimating the time required to perform each of the tasks at hand. Finally, actually doing what needs to be done seems obvious, but is a very difficult skill. By learning time management skills your university study will be successful and most importantly enjoyable.

  Topic sentence:

Controlling word/phrase:

Supporting sentences:

Logical connectors:

Concluding sentence:



Good Luck

November 2010 Mid-term exam

Name: ___________________________                         Group: _________

Faculty of Economics & Political Science

Cairo University

Readings in English

First Year – Arabic Section

Date: November 7th, 2010                                                                  Time: 1 Hour

First: Comprehension Passage                                           (5 marks)

          The three phases of the human memory are the sensory memory, the short-term memory, and the long-term memory. This division of the memory into phases is based on the length of time of the memory. Sensory memory is instantaneous memory. It is an image or memory that inters your mind only for a short period of time; it comes and goes in under a second. The memory will not last longer than that unless the information enters the short-term memory.

           Information can be held in the short-term memory for about twenty seconds or as long as you are actively using it. If you repeat a fact to yourself, that fact will stay in your short-term memory as long as you keep repeating it. Once you stop repeating it, either it is forgotten or it moves into long-term memory. Long-term memory is the huge memory tank that can hold ideas and images for years and years. Information can be added to your long-term memory when you actively try to put it there through memorization or when an idea or image enters your mind on its own.


Choose the correct answer:

1-    The best title for this passage would be

a-    The Difference Between Sensory and Short-Term Memory

b-    How Long It Takes to Memorize

c-    The Stages of Human Memory

d-    Human Phases


2-    The three phases of memory discussed in this passage are differentiated according to

a-    Location in the brain

b-    The period of time it takes to remember something

c-    How the senses are involved in the memory

d-    How long the memory lasts




3-    The word “keep” could best be replaced by

a-    Hold

b-    Continue

c-    Retain

d-    Save


4-    The word “once” could best be replaced by which of the following?

a-    Just after

b-    Although

c-    Just before

d-    Because


5-    It can be inferred from the passage that if a person remembers a piece of information for two days, this information is probably in

a-    Three phases of memory

b-    The sensory memory

c-    The short-term memory

d-    The long-term memory

Second: Vocabulary                                                        (6 marks)

From the reading article “Peace among Nile Nations” Choose the correct answer for the underlined words

1.    Clients are often reluctant  to commit to additional expenses

          a)   Unwilling             b) Unable             c) Unusual

2.    Even if we lose a battle we should not concede defeat in the war

          a) Address                  b) Admit               c) Abolish


3.    A country shouldn’t forfeit its national interest under any circumstances

          a) To settle                  b) To abandon      c) To resolve

Third: Grammar                                                              (10 marks)

I- Fill in the spaces with the correct prepositions:

1)    __________ the American Revolutionary War ( __________1775 and 1783) he was the Commander-in-Chief __________ the American forces.

2)     George Washington died _____ the age _____ 67, _____ December 14th, 1799.



II- Identify subjects, complete verbs and prepositional phrases in the following sentences.

1.    The Experience Music Project in Seattle was designed by Frank Gebry.

Subject: …………………………………………………………………..

Verb: ……………………………………………………………………..

Prepositional phrase: ……………………………………………………..


2.    His attempts to win the Nobel Prize were fruitless.

Subject: …………………………………………………………………..

Verb: ……………………………………………………………………..

Prepositional phrase: ……………………………………………………..


3.    Ali’s grandson became a well known writer in the nineties.

Subject: …………………………………………………………………..

Verb: ……………………………………………………………………..

Prepositional phrase: ……………………………………………………..


4.    The German troops did capture a lot of soldiers during World War II.

Subject: …………………………………………………………………..

Verb: ……………………………………………………………………..

Prepositional phrase: ……………………………………………………..

Fourth: Glossary                                                              (6 marks)


I- Complete each of the following definitions giving the correct term:


1)    The detailed record of all financial and economic transactions between residents of two countries is called ……………………….

2)    When a country has an overall balance-of-payments deficit, it's described to be a ……………………….


II- Write the full name of the organization that stands for the following abbreviations:

1. IAEA: ………………………………………………………………………….

2. UNEF: …………………………………………………………………………



Fifth: Writing                                                                   (8 marks)

Read the paragraph below carefully and then identify its essential parts as follows:


          My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features.  First, it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town, is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old. These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.


Topic sentence       : …………………………………………………………….


Controlling word/phrase: ………………………………………………………

Supporting sentences:

1)    …………………………………………………………………………

2)    …………………………………………………………………………

3)    …………………………………………………………………………

Logical connectors: …………………………………………………………….


Concluding sentence        : ……………………………………………………..




Good Luck